Terms of Use
Booking a Session
Session bookings, times and dates are subject to availability and approval from a member of the Coop 145 team. Coop 145 reserves the right to refuse and reschedule any confirmed bookings. Bookings are made by the following methods only via Coop 145 or Contact Us and are not valid until confirmed and deposit paid.
Turn-Around Time
All services excluding podcasting, production, and venue are subjected to a 5-15 business day turnaround period.
24 hours notice is required for the cancellation of a session; this includes weekends and bank holidays. If a session is cancelled with less than 24 hours notice, 50% of the payment will be refunded in studio credits. No Call/No shows that have paid in full will result in loss of payment and studio time, non refundable. Cancellations caused by adverse weather conditions such as snow will be rescheduled, penalty free.
Parking meters in front of the 145 Traders Blvd E, Mississauga ON are active 24 hours seven days a week. Coop 145 is not responsible for any parking tickets or towing violations.
Lost Property
Please make sure that you do not leave personal items unattended and ensure that you take all of your belongings with you when you leave. Coop 145 is not responsible for any personal items that are lost or damaged on the premises.
Smoking is NOT permitted anywhere inside the studio complex. If you leave the premises to smoke, please ensure that you are a safe distance from the studio and that your cigarette stubs are disposed of appropriately. When leaving and entering the complex, please remember that the entry door must be kept shut and locked at all times. Any theft or damages that occur as a result of the door being left open will be chargeable to the artist/band via interact e-transfer/debit/credit.
Additional Fees
There is a $75 sanitation fee applied to sessions where Coop 145 staff deems applicable (excessive trash, food leftovers, etc.).
Additional fee of $10 per guest over the allowed 5 person limit.
Be Respectful of Others’ Privacy
Being in this membership depends on our trust of one another. Some discussions may be sensitive or contain sensitive information, so let’s protect the ideas of our members by keeping it between members.
Payment can be made with interact e-transfer to memberships@coop145.ca or credit/debit card via our online portals. It is the responsibility of the artist to cover the cost of each session in full. Booking online payment will be taken IN FULL. No Call/No shows that have paid deposit will result in loss of payment and studio time, non refundable.
Coop 145 reserves the right to implement these payment terms where applicable. All session files are deleted from Coop 145’s hard drives 30 days after session completion unless otherwise specified. If storage is required, Coop 145 can offer storage for a small additional fee. Please bring a backup storage device if you require your multi-tracks.
Any damage caused to studio equipment due to misuse and abuse will be charged to the artist/band/individual via cash/debit/credit. Refusal to pay for breakages will lead to exclusion and prosecution. If an item of equipment is damaged or missing at the start of your session please report it to Coop 145 immediately.
Clients are allowed a maximum of 5 guests during the recording sessions. Coop 145 Studios must be given 24hr notice when requesting additional guests. Clients must get approval from Coop 145 staff members prior to showing up with additional guests.
Food & Drink
You are permitted to bring your own food and drink into the studio; however, this must not be placed on any of the equipment under any circumstances. Please store your food and drink in the kitchen/lounge area. Any damage caused to studio equipment due to spillages and negligence with food and drink will be charged as per our damages policy above. Please help us to keep the studio tidy by placing any rubbish in the trash bins provided.
Session Tips
Be on time and prepared
Bring your files or have a download link ready
Bring Hard drive or flash to take your files upon completion